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Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter Brownies

(Because quarantine is hard)

Well gang, we’re still in this. Things are still weird. We are still making the best out of a weird situation.

Because we are doing such an amazing job handling the world and all of it’s fuckery, I think we deserve an award.

I think we all need a treat.

I think that treat MUST include chocolate and peanut butter.

I think chocolate and peanut butter is the best combination of things ever.

SO. Let’s go ahead and take my sexy basic brownie recipe and make it even more sexy!

Here is what you need.

-2 sticks (1 cup if you’re being picky, which is annoying) butter.

NOTE: I used salted. I like what it adds to the batter. You can use unsalted. I wont even be offended at all (probably).

-2 and ¼ cup sugar (oh yes. That’s a lot of sugar. And no we don’t have regrets. It’s a treat remember?).

-1 Tbsp. vanilla extract (I’m gonna let you in on a little secret here. I messed up and only used a tsp. and it was fine. Soooooooo do what ya gotta do. Vanilla is expensive because we use the real stuff, seeing as how we are not savages, so use a tsp. and save some cash).

-4 Eggs (that have been beaten into submission, like our collective quarantine spirits).

-1 (generous because that’s how we are) Tsp. salt.

-1 Tsp. Baking powder (that’s the on in the round container that has the awesome edge that you can use to level your measurement. I have always appreciate that quality).

-1 Tsp. instant espresso powder (this is also optional but like live a little will ya).

-1 and ½ Cup (all purpose or AP) flour.

-1 and ¼ Cup cocoa powder (I think I messed up here and only used ¼ cup but I cant remember so like more is more in this situation).

-1 and ½ Cups (semi-sweet because we like things a little bitter) chocolate chips.

-Peanut butter (I used chunky because I love the texture in these).

NOTE: I cannot commit to an amount here. I used several dollops (Dollop is an offensive word).

OK! Let’s bake some brownies bitches!

  • Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.

  • Line a baking dish (9x13 or something like that) with tinfoil, spray with cooking spray and set aside.

  • In a large bowl, sift together (because we don’t need things to be as lumpy as I am) the 1 and ½ cup flour, the 1 and ¼ cup (ish) cocoa powder, the tsp. of salt, the tsp. of baking powder (that has been leveled because they set it up for us to do that and it’s amazing), the tsp. espresso powder, and mix until combined.

  • In a small sauce pan, melt 2 sticks of butter (1 cup for the OCD crowd) over medium-low heat.

  • When the butter is just melted, add in the 2 and ¼ cup of sugar, and stir constantly (because we have to work for things like sexy peanut butter brownies) for two minutes (you can do it. Suck it up. It’s not that bad).

  • After the two minutes is up, pour the butter and sugar (carefully because that shit is hot and hot sugar burns like a bitch) into the bowl of your mixer and stir on low for 3 minutes.

NOTE: This is going to cool off the butter and sugar so that when you add the eggs they don’t scramble, because if that happens, I am gonna judge you.

  • While you butter and sugar are cooling, take your four eggs and beat them with the tsp. (or tbsp. who cares, there are no rules anymore) of vanilla extract.

  • Add your eggs and vanilla to the cooled butter and sugar and mix to combine (warning, this is going to smell amazing. You are welcome).

  • Once the eggs and butter and sugar and vanilla (phew that’s a lot of things) are mixed, add in your dry ingredients one scoop at a time (keep the mixer on low. This shit loves to fly out of the bowl and make a damn mess and piss off those of us who may be controlling).

  • Add in the cup and a half of chocolate chips and mix one more time.

  • Once everything is blended, and you have stopped licking the beater (animal), pour half of this luscious and sexy mixture into the greased pan. (I remembered to tell you to grease it this time and I am so proud of myself).

  • Make sure the batter is evenly spread in the pan, and then one spoonful at a time dollop (blegh) the peanut butter all over the batter until it’s well covered but not completely covered. (This sentence makes no sense and I think I have a photo of it, but like just scoop pb all over the place so that there may be a little in every piece OK Judgey Mc.Judgerton?!?!?!).

  • Pour the remaining batter over the top and do your best to cover all of the peanut butter.

  • Shake the pan a little to make sure the batter is evenly spread, and then bake for 35-40 minutes.

NOTE: check on these. I wound up having to bake them for 45 minutes. Just test them, but remember that there is so much peanut butter and so many chocolate chips, so the toothpick may not come out clear. You can tell what is batter and what is filling usually.

Guys, I know these directions are not perfect. But as we have learned during these uncertain, unprecedented, unpleasant times, NOTHING is perfect.

But these brownies come close!

  • Allow to cool completely before slicing.

These go well with milk, or coffee, or wine, or the salt from your stress tears. So Enjoy!!!

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