(Because obviously)
YOU GUYS! Thanksgiving is next week! EEEK!!! I’m so excited! This is my Super Bowl bitches! It’s my time to shine!!!
This is where I get to make all the things (except the bird. That’s the Mr.’s job)! This is where I get to receive all the compliments for all the things (except the bird).
(In case you couldn’t tell).
Because I make all the things, I usually outsource dessert. I am always asked “What can we bring?” and I find asking people to bring dessert is a huge and glorious time saver for me. PLUS variety! Win. Win.
This year however, I am in fact going to make one dessert. I can’t not.
During my exhausting #mmmvember project (where I cook and post something every day for the month of November… PS. What the hell was I thinking?!?!), I made a cheesecake. I swirled cookie butter into this cheese cake…
You guys. I know I say this all the time, but I may very well be a genius. This. Cheesecake. Is. A. Mazing.
Let me tell you how to make it do you can know how much of a genius I am.
Here is what you need:
(For the crust)
-1 and ½ Cups crushed graham crackers (I’m super “pinky-out” and buy them pre-crushed. You can do what you chose, but I don’t feel as though crushing my own crackers will make or break this cake. If you feel you simply must crush, well then who am I to begrudge you?).
NOTE: I think we had this same argument in a previous cheesecake post. Meh… We will probably have this argument over and over til the end of time. I’m OK with it.
-3 Tbsp. Sugar (I have nothing amusing to add here. This is going to happen from time to time. We should all just be OK with it).
-1/3 Cup melted butter (I used salted butter because I liked the little edge it added. I’m a salty bitch, what can I say).
-1/4 Tsp. salt (see above for snark).
(For the cake)
-4 (8 oz.) bricks of cream cheese (that have been left out at room temp to soften. You all know by know how I feel about this step. You want lumpy cheesecake, sure skip this step. You lumpy cheesecake loving weirdo).
-1 Cup sugar (I know we’re super sweet on our own but it’s cake. Cheesecake without sugar would be cheese…).
-4 large eggs (or regular sized eggs. I have used eggs of all kinds and have had no change in result. Give those poor chickens a rest this time around, popping out large eggs must suck. Use whatever eggs you have).
-2 (ish, let’s not be stingy, it’s a holiday!), Tsp. vanilla extract.
-1 cup Cookie butter (speculoos), plus 1/4 cup set aside, melted in the microwave for like 20 seconds or so).
Preheat your oven to 325 degrees.
Spray a cake pan (a spring-form would be best, so just buy one already) with non-stick cooking spray, and set aside.
In a large bowl, add the 1 and ½ cup crushed (previously by a stranger because we’re special like that) graham crackers, the 3 tbsp. sugar, the 1/3 cup melted butter, and the ¼ tsp. salt. Mix until everything is combined (or moistened which is such an offensive word).
Pour the (moistened ughhhhhh) graham cracker mixture into the bottom of the pan and press out evenly.
NOTE: As I stated in a previous post (that I’m sure you read because we’re friends like that), use the bottom of a measuring cup or glass to press out evenly so it comes up the sides.
OTHER NOTE: I went back and looked at my other cheesecake recipe. I seem to have repeated much of the same snark. I have no regrets. Nope. Not one.
Place the crust in the refrigerator while you make the filling.
In your mixer (or a bowl if you still don’t have that mixer), place the 4 bricks of previously softened (because I scolded you) cream cheese, and the 1 cup sugar and cream (ugh) together.
Once blended (or creamed...ugh) add the 4 eggs one at a time (I’m sure you cracked them into a separate bowl to ensure we are shell free. I know you are just SO good like that).
When all the eggs are blended, add in the 2(ish) tsp. vanilla extract, scrape the sides of the bowl, and mix until everything looks luscious and,”sexy af. “
Pour that “sexy af.” mixture into the crust and shake to get out any air bubbles (shake this carefully kids. I know you all have rage. Don’t take it out on your cheesecake guys! It’s here for you. It’s on YOUR side).
Take the 1 cup melted cookie butter and pour over the top of the “sexy af.” cheesecake mixture (making it MORE “sexy af.”), and swirl with a butter knife, being careful not to mess up the crust.
Place the cake in the oven on the middle rack.
Place a shallow (like me) pan of water on the rack below (the steam is supposed to help keep the cheese cake from cracking, but fun fact it didn’t! don’t worry though I have a solution for that shit).
Bake for 55 minutes to an hour (check it at 55 minutes, if the middle is still jiggly-like keep that bitch in for 5 or so more minutes. Keep an eye on it. You will know when it’s done. I trust you… kind of).
Allow the cake to cool (for like ever) before removing from the spring form pan (I assume you used).
NOTE: As the cake cools, you may find cracks in the top, we can fix this in the sexiest and most delicious way possible!
Remember that ¼ cup melted cookie butter??? We’re gonna use it as delicious spackle bitches!
Take that melted cookie butter and using a spoon, fill those ugly cracks! Take what’s left and drizzle over the top of the cake making it look pretty and on purpose.
Step back, admire your handy work (that was ALL my idea).
Praise me mentally (or out loud) and have a statue built in my honor.
Refrigerate until 30 minutes before serving. Taking it out 30 minutes early will make for easier and prettier slices!
Make this for Thanksgiving! Be thankful you made it. Be thankful I wrote it! I know I am super thankful you read it, and for you in general!