(Because corn on the cob, while superior, ruins my lipstick and this is unacceptable).
Since its still summer and we have to hold on to all the (hold on to your hats kids I’m about to say something pretentious… I know! I never do that right???) “gorgeous produce”, I’m still making cold dishes and writing about them and posting them and convincing myself you’re going to not only make them but love them and as a result praise me for it and shower me with compliments to make me feel validated (no! I’m not using you! What on earth would make you even think that???).
This last week I received a free half dozen corn on the cob from our local farm stand. I also happened to have a good amount of Cojita cheese left over from our pork carnitas adventure from two weeks ago.
In an effort to waste less food (more like not have to clean out the fridge as often since its one of my least favorite chores), I decided to make Mexican street corn.
However, since I am never without red lipstick and It MUST be perfect at all times ever, I decided to turn that bitch into a salad to maintain my vanity… I mean sanity…
Added perk: It will keep us from looking like the time that handsome and talented crooner Michael Buble was photographed eating corn on the cob in Disney Land… shudder… It’s really something you can’t un-see… Don’t believe me? Go ahead Google “Michael Buble Corn on the Cob” and see what you find. Do it! I’ll wait…
There now you too can’t un-see this and understand completely why we are cutting our cornels off the cob.
Want me to stop talking and start sharing ingredients now? OK (um rude by the way).
Here is what you need:
-6 Cobs of corn shucked (awe shucks… yup I did that… it felt dirty…).
-1 (red because red is pretty) bell pepper finely diced.
-2 (generous like my spirit) Tbsp. mayonnaise (I used reduced fat because it’s all I have in the house because of my roundness but you can use whole fat if you think you’re better than me).
-2 (generous like me) Tbsp. Sour Cream (low fat or whole fat works here too!).
-¾ Cup Cojita cheese (if you can’t find Cojita cheese they tell me feta works too because it’s salty and a similar texture. I for one don’t think it will come out as well and believe most stores have stepped up their cheese game so maybe you just are not looking hard enough and need to be better).
-The (fresh and seriously I can’t believe I still have to say these things) juice of 1 lime.
-2 Tsp. garlic powder (nothing snarky to add here but still felt the need to say something).
-3 Tsp. Chili powder.
-1 Tsp. Chili lime seasoning (this is optional but add it if you can find it because it’s amazing. Trader Joes makes a great one!).
-2 Tsp. cumin
-2 Tbsp. fresh chives minced (I use clean kitchen scissors and snip them because it’s so much easier … and yeah I did have to say “clean kitchen scissors” it’s who I am!).
-Salt and pepper to taste (because you WILL taste your food! Also this cheese is salty so you want to add the salt at the end to make sure you didn’t go too far. I know how you can be… we all do… … …).
OK ready set go!
Take the 6 (shucked and de-silked) ears of corn and add them to a (screaming like me when I’m cranky which is most of the time) hot grill pan or grill. Slightly char the corn on all sides (if you don’t have access to either of a grill or grill pan, you can roast the corn in the oven 400 degrees 15 to 20 minutes. We don’t want to cook the corn all the way. We want the sweet almost rawness of this and yes I know how pretentious I sound again but shut up OK?).
Allow the corn to cool
Once the corn is cool, cut the cornels off the cob.
NOTE: there are several schools of thought on the best way to do this. Most people put one small bowl upside down inside a large bowl, hold the corn vertically on top of the flipped bowl, and shave the cornels off straight down with a sharp knife (this is what I do. It makes for extra dishes but it also collects all the cornels and allows us to avoid stray corn all over the floor. …stray corn could be a good band name… I haven’t decided yet….). If this method isn’t your style, the internet is filled with know-it-all kitchen people just dying to show you why there way is the best. I’m sure you will find what works for you. OR you could just do it this way because it IS the best way… (SEE! I was dying to tell you that!).
Once all of the corn has been cut off the cob (and is safely in the bowl, not all over the floor), add in your diced red bell pepper, the 2 tbsp. chives and toss (this means mix up in a salad-like-fashion NOT throw like a ball).
Add the 2 Tbsp. (big ones like me) Mayo, 2 Tbsp. Sour Cream and on top of that the juice of 1 lime.
NOTE: I do this in this order, not only because I’m controlling but also because the lime juice will help thin out the mayo and sour cream and it becomes MUCH easier to mix. So I do this also because I’m smart.
Once all the veggies are completely coated in their sexy mayo/sour cream situation (yes! Sexy sour cream situation is the BEST band name! That’s going in the list!!!), add in the 2 tsp. garlic powder, 3 tsp. chili powder (plus the optional 1 tsp. chili lime seasoning), the 2 tsp. cumin and mix to combine.
Add in the ¾ cup Cojita cheese and mix again.
Taste your food because that’s the law and add salt and pepper as needed.
This can be served immediately at room temp.
This can be served warm.
I like to let it chill for a bit and give all those sassy spices a minute to come out of their shells and show off for you like a good runway show on Ru Paul’s Drag race (or you know “allow the flavors develop”, if you want to say it like you’re boring or whatever).
This is a great side dish (like me) or topping for tacos or salads. It’s perfect as is. You decide (as long as your decision is something I approve of).
NOTE: You can also leave the cornels on the cob, blend the wet ingredients /spices together and the roll the cob first in the wet ingredients and then the cheese, chives and peppers like real Mexican street corn.
Just don’t eat it like Buble… I’ll know…