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Peach Bellini Popsicles

Writer's picture: CCFCCF

(Because we need explore every option for consuming booze…)

Last week I was in a bad mood (I know shocking right?). Often times, when I am in the proverbial depths of despair, I find myself perusing the Amazon app on my phone.

Most of these times I add stuff to the shopping cart and never go any further. This was not one of those times.

Two (free shipping) days later (thanks Prime!) I was the proud owner of a lovely set of silicon “ice pop” molds (apparently the word “Popsicle” is like a brand name or something. Pffft).

What was the plan for this clearly well thought out purchase you ask? Well boozy Popsicles obviously!!!

I mean just drinking my sparkling wine isn’t enough team. I want to be able to suck on my sparkling wine as well (and yes that does sound inappropriate. No I am not going to apologize for it. if you don’t like it you can suck it… like Imma suck on these boozy popsicles!!!)!

Now that I have properly alienated you as my reader, here is what you will need.

- “Ice pop” molds or those tall super thin (unlike this girl for sure) Zip lock baggies that allow you to make Freeze pops.

NOTE: yes, I am going to assume if you want these badly enough you will drop the 10 dollars on Amazon like I did.

-5 Large peaches (peeled and cut into pieces. Yeah ya gotta peel em’ kids. Can you even imagine how unpleasant it would be to get little weird fuzzy peach skin pieces on your mouth while enjoying this boozy treat??? No? Well it would be bad I tell ya. …Also Weird Fuzzy Peach Skin… Another killer band name).

NOTE: leave the 5th peach’s skin on and slice into thin wedges for garnish (because I’m uppity and want to make this difficult).

-4 Tbsp. Simple syrup (You can buy this in a store. You can also rest assure that I will judge the shit out of you for it. It’s so easy to make I’m gonna tell you how right here, in these parentheses. Take 1 cup water. Add 1 cup sugar. Put in pan. Simmer til sugar is dissolved. Let cool. Store in fridge for all your cocktail needs. The end).

-1 Cup sugar (if you’re making the simple syrup like a good person).

-1 Cup water (See previous statement).

-2 Cups sparkling wine (I will let you chose this on your own. I used Prosecco as that is the traditional selection but Champagne or Cava will be just as good. Nothing to dry OR too sweet …basically be ME of sparkling wines).

NOTE: You guys. …YOU GUYS!!! A bottle of sparkling wine just so happens to hold more than 2 cups. Once opened it could quickly lose its sparkling quality (unless you have one of those fancy stoppers like I do but which is also irrelevant here…). With this being said it is your job. NAY! It is your duty to (responsibly because we’re not animals) sip the remaining contents while you wait for these to freeze.

OK OK. Now I hope you’re ready for this taxing and exhausting endeavor.

Here we go.

  • Add 4 of your peeled and cut peaches and 4 tbsp. simple syrup (that you made because you love me and don’t want my judgment) into a food processor, blender or container that would fit an immersion blender (basically anything that will turn your peaches into peach moosh, or puree for those of us who are fancy) and blend until the peaches are completely smooth.

  • Taste to ensure its sweet enough. If your peaches were on the tart side (like me) you can add a little more of that fancy homemade simple syrup until you have reached your desired sweetness (desired sweetness sounds like the name of a super saccharine country band that I just can’t listen to).

  • Pour in 2 cups of whichever sparkling wine you selected and let the bubbles settle for a bit.

  • Pour yourself a glass of the leftover sparkling wine, because you work hard and you deserve it (This step is imperative. I fully maintain the Popsicles will not come out if you don’t follow this step. It’s science).

  • Once those gorgeous bubbles settle carefully mix the puree and wine together and avoid sticking your face directly in it.

  • Allow the bubbles to settle one more time (kinda like how the sparkling wine settles my nerves…) and carefully pour the mixture into your “ice pop” molds of choice.

  • Place one peach slice (remember that annoying and pretentious garnish I told you about in the ingredients list) into each mold.

NOTE: This is like a fun little surprise. It’s like a beautiful peach jewel in the glory that is your boozy Popsicle.

  • Add the tops or sticks or whatever and place in the freezer for at least 3 hours.

  • Have the rest of that sparkling wine and perhaps a nice cheese plate while you wait (the rest of those sliced peaches are delicious in your sparkling wine just so ya know).

  • Once completely frozen (which takes forever and requires the patience of a damn saint I tell you), run the molds under warm water to loosen and carefully remove from the mold.

  • Take cute photos of them on your favorite dishtowels and post them all over social media to make your pals super jealous.

  • Stop and soak in all of the pleasant attention and validation you are receiving.

Most importantly sit back and suck on that boozy Popsicle with a smug sense of satisfaction (and yes. That sentence is ALSO less than appropriate-sounding. And again if you don’t like it you can suck it. The Popsicle obviously, my loves!).

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